Honestly wish I had more of me-time. Next month should make time for that. Okay so moving on, attended my first ever 21st themed birthday party held my dear friend Fionnie, galaxy was a tough one but glad I managed to find a sparkly top that suits the theme hahas. Thank you for having me at your party and being a really good friend since Year 1. Really appreciate it(:
Photos credited to the official photographer, Sharon Lee.

After that was hanging out with 8ights for dinner at Ambush, their main dishes are seriously good. Had a long and tired Monday but they always make it better. Hehes!
Finally another meetup with my ladies for dinner, as always a crazy and funny bunch that I love. Heees.

Company had a shot of high manpower for new project, so lucky that I were treated to good lunch at Jack's Place with colleagues. Next time must try the lobster soup and the snail dish. All food was tasty that day too. A happy tummy=A happy girl!:D

Then came FSC. Nervous and worried on the first day. Turned out there were many friendly people and camp was fun with all the different games and hanging out, talking, singing and laughing. So unexpected our house and sub house all won most of the big prizes. Heh heh. Although I am still super socially awkward and take a really long time to warm up to them:/ Ummm try my best ah.
Photos credited to various photographers.

Had my movie buddies with me to watch Maleficient and How to Train Your Dragon 2 for the weekend(:

Just a simple birthday this year. Glad to have a loving family that always want to celebrate for me, nice colleagues that treat me to good lunch, friends that still keep in touch and took the time to send me well wishes. Contented with the little but meaningful and real kind gestures. This year I learnt to be happy with what I have and just count the blessings instead of wishing for more. Best is still just go with the flow and enjoy that moment. A heart felt thank you to them all.

Another short catching up day at Artistry and we tried dishes which majority said it was worth a try so yes it did not disappoint so thumbs up for those. Hahas.

Ended the last weekend with Fault in Our Stars, movie also made me cry. Book FTW still. Heh heh, Thanks girls for the day out!^^

Just realised I spent almost all weekends out and with friends. Evidently, I still have not repay sleep debt and forever still this tired when waking up. Need to sleep earlier,sigh.
June had been good to me. July's coming. Foresee another packed to brim month. Must survived it and hopefully get ample rest on weekends. So much things not accomplished and needed too. Let July be good too.
Good Night!
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