Anyway last week was really really insane!I was out for many school days from morning till night. Of course was reaching my maximum tired stage plus worrying about this and that. Just wonder how did I survived all of it seriously? Hahas.
Let start with my Wed, offered to help in selling ice-cream at school from morning till early afternoon, it was fun and managed to sold of 1 box of ice-cream. Bought 2 to share with YX, honeycomb and strawberry flavours!YUMS~
Especially fantastic for such warm weather!

Oh yeah, met up with YX too for dinner and after 'wrapping' the prezzies, impromptu idea to go surprise Kel on her birthday with the prezzies!We're like a trio maniac trying to race against time to get to Kel's home ASAP with the help of Kel's sister. Freaking excited and happy!
It was getting really late like going 9pm, but we managed to surprised her and boy was she shocked!LOL.
BEST PLAN EVER!Though feel bad for disturbing her family late at night. Glad she was shocked,reaction was priceless~

Here comes Friday, technically no lessons cos its CCN Day, our class was selling flowers, swarm with people everywhere, weather was really hot and for my part/shift able to sell off quite a few:( Really not good with talking to people,loudly, fluently nor happily.Sigh. But managed to earn a bit of profit so YAY!^^
After that went off to meet the rest of my dear girls at NEX, sat in Mac for a long time talking about gory and horror movies. My goosebumps are coming out just thinking of it. Waited for the rest to arrive and head to Siam Kitchen for dinner!
Ordered lime rose drink, tasted good!~
Chatted awhile and went home, at this point I could literally fall asleep anywhere.LOL.
On Saturday went for a workshop held by LASplash Cosmetics, difficult to find the place and when I reached, I was the only 1 there...and for the past 2 hours. So had 3 ladies to show me what its all about.
Am very fascinated by the cosmetics especially the versatile uses of glitters for eyes/nails/body. Finding the suitable mineral powder which works like wonders!!So gonna get it soon!No testing on animals either plus quality is awesome which I think could really compare to high-end brands!
Tried on their makeup products and there's even a mascara that had LED lights in the brush holder corners, I'm like mind blown. Tried that too and that's really convenient if wanna touch up but the place is dark, there's a mirror attached to the product cover too, insanely too good!
Do try out if any girls out there are interested!
LASplash cosmetics are available at SASA and Guardian's!(:
Just my opinions after going for my 1st ever makeup workshop and the results of the pretty makeup products used! I think it looks really good, hehes and a little door gift from them! Really thankful able to attend this workshop!(:
Have a good week ahead!~
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