Lemme recap some of the good things that happened last month. Gotten some belated presents from my dear friends, hehes so sweet of them getting things for me. Thank you so much!^^

Then we also executed our event on a Friday, kinda sucks that not a lot of crowd that day but I had fun interacting with EO Horizons people, watching them performed, seeing the whole class working together. Really proud of us and event had gone well even our tutors praised us, hahas. Wanna see the photos though:/ Anyway, it felt good to be a part of something bigger and something meaningful that will always be remembered.
After that another week of presentations and submissions and tests. I wondered how I got through everything. Received some good and bad news over this period of time so don't know how to make sense of all this, feelings just all over the place. Just have to keep pressing on and do my best till the end.
Finally, my Black Box came, inside was filled with so many goodies, can't wait to try;) It's free to subscribe so sort of like a good deal to try out. If you like, just head on to Black Box to find out more~

Pretty much summed up how July went for me, I'm off to catch up on other stuffs! Here's praying everything will go on smoothly and good. Have a good week guys!(:
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