So,gave my stuffs to the people,expecting my pay on 19Jan.Hope I'll see the money earned when i go update passbook.
Been raining cats and dogs every time i went out...What mistake did i made to make the sky furious?
1.Monday when I'm handling my work stuffs,rained when going to Bugis.
2.Wednesday when I'm out with YingXin,Tampines.
3.Today when I'm out after training with Helina,Tampines.Lucky though,kind soul drove us to interchange.Lovee his car,red seats with white,comfy too.Thank you.
Wednesday,been long since i met up with YX,had a good chat,train to Bugis to buy rest of my CNY clothes,great loots found and bought.Cheap some more,fit perfectly,hee.Lovin' them.Been long too since i last went shopping for tons of stuffs,probably like 1mth plus?Heh,thrifty right?;)
Head to SAFRA Tampines where there's this Minds Cafe,snacking together with games to play,awesome right?Nothing to do go this cafe,definitely will be fun and less bored!^^Rained like shit after we're done,feet totally submerged in the small floods near the drains,sands,sticks,stones felt it all,ugh hate it.Today also-.-
Lucky didn't wear long pants,will be 100x even worse.Been there,done that.

Today,gonna get ready for another job so training to go to.Kinda bored and daydreamed awhile,not straying too far away so still alright,hee.Like school all over again only learning real life skills and putting them to use soon.Went to bought some stuffs and head home.Sitting on the bus alone really make me think of a lot of things.Flashbacks,dreams.Especially with music that makes you think.Almost all ain't it?:/
Poly visits tmr and sat!Hope it will be useful somehow and gained something before i head home...