May 2011 be even better for all of us,more joys and happiness(:
Study hard for students,successful business for adults,
& Life goes on.
Think i'll change blogskin next time,kinda lazy.Heh.Fireworks watched at home):
But caught 3 places putting fireworks at the same time!Awesome.
Mum said the places are from Malaysia,heh.
2011's Resolutions:
-Get into a good school and survive in it(most probably poly)
-Be more proactive
-Make new/close friends(hopefully more)
-Study hard & smart
-Help mum with chores and stuffs whenever possible
-Do more good deeds
-Handwriting gets better
-Be more organized
-Cry less(sorta fail miserably for the past few[2?] years)
-Exercise more
-Control my crave for junk food
-Improvement in appearance($)
-Earn more money
-Less quarrels with family
-More shopping treats($$)
-Stay positive more(kinda fail in the past too)
That's all i guess,okay,really quite a lot.Don't think i can fulfil everything but gonna try anyway cos I'm livin' life for myself. *self-convince*
(few minutes later)
Ugh,can't help but think of negatives and worrying this and that again.Ah shucks.
what about your resolutions?;)
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