Ytd gotten back report book,
did ok i guess,it's useless to compete or whatsoever anyway.
As I belong to th average kind.hahas.
Then went to Kingston International School in th katong Student Hostel
for a workshop by Dr Wong Su San(Professer + PhD).
sort of interesting?
Also came another Professor dunno-what's-his-name.
mre strict and weird i guess.
But overall still okay la,think sang out of tune many times.
Hols finally started with many stacks of Hwk.
like crap,gonna try to complete all at th shortest time if possible.
sigh,i rather continue study and hav 2 mths break at th end of year.
even better,oh wth.
Anyway.went to ride on th Singapore Flyer today.
with family.
cos was given free tickets by Aunt i think.
cool,real slow,kinda nicee scenery,way HIGH,fun.
at first was really afraid of standing up cos height phobia.
still,did stand in th end & taken some photos frm high above.
when look down really scary,for me la.lols.
then after tht went to Marina Square-> Millenia Walk->Suntec->AMK Hub.
most of th malls sell branded stuffs,ain't possible for me to buy anything.
hahas,oh well,wait till i can earn enough $,am so gonna shop there.heh(:
still looking for few songs frm th BOF,anyone have?
like th songs is so rare like tht,unable to find it.
shall end here(:

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