Tons of catching up to do for all subjects and deadline for few projects are coming soon. Better start doing a good job on my part.MST only 2 weeks away, and the whole week are scheduled tests. Sure hope I could do well for all of them:/
Oh and Jipaban had a Black Friday Sale last friday.Lol, the sentence seems weird.Anyway, so seeing some bloggers blogged about it, made me itching to buy some stuffs and went ahead to create account to buy.Hahas,impulsive yes?
So I managed to snagged good deals and here's what I've ordered:

Cherry Poppin' Mini for $11, can't remember how much cents.

Hello Kitty Tee for $11+ too,it's so cute can't resist not buying,hee(:
Intially wanted the 4vintage rings deal for $3.68 but out of stock):
Hope the mail come soon!Can't wait to try it on!
That's pretty much it and its not really a lot of stuffs.Trying not to spend too much cos another shopping spree coming soon, am saving the money for the best loots.Heh.
School was just the same,gonna crash other lectures so friday would be a better and shorter day to look forward too.