think i could won th most lifeless award,cos everyday is just so mundane.
anyway went to wedding dinner at Four Seasons Hotel ytd.
Lovee th decorations,food were quite okay,very glam washroom.ain't used to it.Ate till i'm bloated.
Grandma was being cute there(:went passed Orchard,looked very beautiful with all those lightnings and Christmas trees((:
not much pictures though,heh:Xwent for a maths lesson in th morning and met up with zen with th others.
turn out great in th end.
really envious of her,able to go Japan!):when will it be my turn?ah well.
kept walking around plaza sing randomly,end up in th same place all over again.ate lunch around 3 to 4 plus(?) at HongKong Cafe.
food was quite ok,damn bloated till now,plus my dinner.freaking full.argh,need to exercise mre tmr.
tons of maths hwk to be done.choir tmr,sigh.i was just beginning to get use without cca.
well,there goes my sweet dream.
somethings really are better off left unsaid.
what's th use anyway?it's like sometimes,just feel so alone.
like isolated from everyone else.visibility just changes every time.
one moment visible,th next sec invisible.might as well just left alone th whole life,just too much to bear sometimes.
sigh,if only...effing sucks to be a human.Think i rather be ___.
wished i'm in th state of Nirvana,better to just feel nothing/.don't understand why when there's a long hols,my mind just turn weird.
okayy,think I'm contradicting myself.Thanks Helina fer th New Moon book.
awesomely nicee to read.wished it wouldn't end but oh well.
took a snapshot of my pet society cos i finally earned my first 10k coins(:too bad,its gone now,spent on a lot of things):
think i shall end here.long post today,kinda boring uh?hahas.

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