Usual routine every week.Stayed back in sch like everyday.
Mon:Maths SSP.
Wed:Geog/SS SSP.
Fri:Chi SSP.
So it's kinda hard to post smth up,with all this stuffs, tests and homework piling up.Gotten good news tht we can step down in March from cca(: cos concert had been cancelled in June.Th rest are going to take part in SYF Opening Ceremony.Which is good too,they can get some exposure and stuff(:
Not much happenings in sch,kinda boring.Life just revolve around studies,studies and MORE studies.
Gotten sore throat a few days back,still not recovering yet.Like a lump stuck in my throat.Pain like hell.Tried diff meds,no use sia.sigh.oh well~
Sat: Went J8 to look for my last loots for CNY.Gotten a pair of pants(?).Dunno wht's it called.Walk around,borrowed books...went to AMK Hub/Central.walk around,sat somewhere and dazed,finally bought a dress for CNY.Looked kinda weird on me though.kinda regret buying.Tried putting a belt with it,so hope it will look better?:/ Bought pillow too(:
Watched VampireDiaries,Ep 11 & 12 are out!Woots!Though its kinda gruesome,it captures th suspense and thrill.Awesome ttm man.Should catch it if you haven't!(:Gonna watched it later.
Hope rest of th episodes will released soon...
Nowadays kinda obsessed viewing some pictures of interesting/unusual places,like houses,food,heels and other random stuff.Find it real cool,love th effects they made on th photos too.Wished my photography skills could be better,like them.Oh ya,Found some Killer Heels/Booties pictures,smth to die for seriously.heh.
Lovee th strappy ones!Especially th black:D
Think this is lace-type heels.Cool right?wonder where she got it from..hmm.
Shall end here!God Bless...to pass this week tests.
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