Sat went to 'lao yu sheng' with paternal family,today to temple to pray.Everything seems to rush by quickly.
Completed reading 2 books,felt like i accomplish smth.heh.Today's moon is so round and big and kinda orange.((:
Guess tmr may be taking back some CTs papers,really hope i could pass all of it.God Bless!
Think gonna start working harder when step down from cca,just too much things in hand & i just feel completely helpless.Argh.
Think Imma buy JB's album when it hits S'pore!(: yay,with MV would be even better,but oh well~ His song actually kept me goin for th 1st round in PE last fri,because of its catchy tune.
Must rmb those catchy tune and lyrics to help me with my running this week.Hope i will be able to survive.Think of running makes me wanna breakdown.sigh.Must have a positive attitude.
Forgotten what i wanna write next...my mind just went blank.Think i'll write down again if i remember it.Heh.
Ending here!
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