Late Christmas wishes to whoever is reading now!Enjoyed myself thoroughly last week,probably the best after a long period of school work and personal issues. Received a small gift from aunt too, cannot be more grateful for all the good things in life. Family, friends, a roof over my head, good food and entertainment. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas too^^
5 more days till school starts again, soooooo not looking forward and deadline for projects are due pretty soon, had not even started in 1 of it.Sigh, worst decision made and just add on to the list. Really prayed all will make it in time and presentation would go smoothly.
This week, spending time with mom,preparing for CNY and school stuffs. Come to think of it, I dwell a lot on my personal issues but refuse to take any action in making it right. Living in my own nightmare. Have to try changing right now,be more open minded and just set myself free from all things silly,stupid,miscellaneous matters. How I wish I can close my eyes right now and wake up somewhere that is more peaceful,filled with happiness only.
One more hope that 2012 would be better and everything will be fine.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
A&HF Birthday/Christmas Fun
Had a filling lunch with the girls,sadly Helina can't make it, but next time for sure!Spent time catching up,went from one place to the next.Novena-->Somerset-->Dhoby Ghaut. Finally gave A&HF their birthday presents after so long.Christmas exchange was tons of fun with them,everyone were happy with their presents I think,hehe.We should do this every year. Always,never fail to burst into laughter whenever with them. We simply just clicked so well after such years and cracked each other up so much.LOL. Hope it will continue to stay this way for a very very long time. Like people say, once you find your true friends, never let them go, something along that line I guess.Hehe^^
Major photos spam,um enjoy?Heh(:

This cute little girl just go ga-ga whenever she sees him,tsk tsk!Hehes^^

Major photos spam,um enjoy?Heh(:
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Shopping Delights
It has been a awful busy week but had lots of fun at the same time. So here's something to share~
Spend 2days shopping for Lunar New Year's clothes with YX.1st day was super tiring,head to Bugis for awhile and train to Somerset cos we thought F21 and Cotton On would have the stuff we want but we were so wrong,in the end bought nothing and we had a hard time finding our way out,which was a very silly thing and gotten ourselves to Scape. We were hopeful of seeing some flea market there but no. However gotten free KitKats^^
Next went to FEP, finally last stop for the day and finally bought some stuffs. Luckily did not travel in vain and really shouldn't wear heels while shopping. This should never be done again.

Love YX nude heels, and its the last pair for a absolute good price(:

The 2nd was much better, this time wear comfortable footwear and head to Bugis again.Spend a long time walking round and round.Got all our stuffs there!Did not spend over the budget of $100 which was awesome and here's our loots!Wonderful time searching here and there which turns out great!^^

Really love what I've done with my nails,so pretty no?Proud of myself,heh.

Gotten these 2 perfumes from the contests I've participated in, really gorgeous packaging and the scent for Cosmic Radiance by Britney Spears is the better one for me cos it's not too strong or bland. But the Lollipop Splash by Mariah Carey is too sweet for my liking,will use it sparingly. Nevertheless both are pretty cool products!Seriously thankful for winning this!:D

Spend 2days shopping for Lunar New Year's clothes with YX.1st day was super tiring,head to Bugis for awhile and train to Somerset cos we thought F21 and Cotton On would have the stuff we want but we were so wrong,in the end bought nothing and we had a hard time finding our way out,which was a very silly thing and gotten ourselves to Scape. We were hopeful of seeing some flea market there but no. However gotten free KitKats^^
Next went to FEP, finally last stop for the day and finally bought some stuffs. Luckily did not travel in vain and really shouldn't wear heels while shopping. This should never be done again.
The 2nd was much better, this time wear comfortable footwear and head to Bugis again.Spend a long time walking round and round.Got all our stuffs there!Did not spend over the budget of $100 which was awesome and here's our loots!Wonderful time searching here and there which turns out great!^^
Really love what I've done with my nails,so pretty no?Proud of myself,heh.
Gotten these 2 perfumes from the contests I've participated in, really gorgeous packaging and the scent for Cosmic Radiance by Britney Spears is the better one for me cos it's not too strong or bland. But the Lollipop Splash by Mariah Carey is too sweet for my liking,will use it sparingly. Nevertheless both are pretty cool products!Seriously thankful for winning this!:D
Friday, December 16, 2011
A Bit of Catching Up
MST finally has ended!Seem so hard to pass time while studying but when not time seem to pass like lightning speed.I didn't put in my best again for some subjects,careless mistakes here and there,sigh.Hope can still score well,keeping everything crossed.
So after MST ended, went to catch Already Famous with mum like at last!Can catch it before its gone.Really beautiful, innocent and sweet romance.Lovee that cute little boy,his cheeks are so chubby(:
No idea what was wrong with me today,kept doing things that were embarrassing. First,after movie ended,can't pushed the exit door cos I pushed the wrong end and everyone was waiting for me to open. Second, followed people that were in front of me ended up not sure which way to go or door to open which resulted feeling so stupid again when the door that is labelled something like 'Way Out To Cathay Lobby' is the door that should be used. Third is when buying herbal drink...the service really cannot make it.Argh,never mind not gonna lose anything anyway. But really what was happening to me today?! At least did bought some stuffs that ease my feeling of being stupid and had a great time with mum. Been like a month since I went out with her so...yeah.

Now that 2weeks break had started,there's so much to be done and really hope next year would be a better year if the world doesn't end.Heh.
Dad even bought a tablet sorta for me which I'm seriously grateful cos I could download games and play and do all sorts of stuff with it.They do use it play jackpot,hahas.
Today feels like a Saturday.Tomorrow maybe going out again~Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
So after MST ended, went to catch Already Famous with mum like at last!Can catch it before its gone.Really beautiful, innocent and sweet romance.Lovee that cute little boy,his cheeks are so chubby(:
No idea what was wrong with me today,kept doing things that were embarrassing. First,after movie ended,can't pushed the exit door cos I pushed the wrong end and everyone was waiting for me to open. Second, followed people that were in front of me ended up not sure which way to go or door to open which resulted feeling so stupid again when the door that is labelled something like 'Way Out To Cathay Lobby' is the door that should be used. Third is when buying herbal drink...the service really cannot make it.Argh,never mind not gonna lose anything anyway. But really what was happening to me today?! At least did bought some stuffs that ease my feeling of being stupid and had a great time with mum. Been like a month since I went out with her so...yeah.

Now that 2weeks break had started,there's so much to be done and really hope next year would be a better year if the world doesn't end.Heh.
Dad even bought a tablet sorta for me which I'm seriously grateful cos I could download games and play and do all sorts of stuff with it.They do use it play jackpot,hahas.
Today feels like a Saturday.Tomorrow maybe going out again~Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Recent Happenings

So this week had been really busy, everything just clash together. But it had been manageable,heh. Went to catch Breaking Dawn Part 1 with YX, movie is really great!Especially the wedding scene,everything looked so perfect and beautiful:')
Why oh why can't they put part 2 together?So anxious to see the finale though already know the ending from the book but isn't the same as visually seeing all the things happening.Sigh,another long wait for part 2.
Wednesday, went to support my good friend YuXiang's concert held in school.The conductor is quite a pleasant sight,hehes. The chorale sung really well and they dance tango too!Impressive much? Overall was a enjoyable night with the good music and friends(:
So happy when my orders arrived!Can't wait to wear the clothes out,hehes!(:
Exactly 1 more week till Mid-Semester Test, seems like everyone is working doubly hard, makes me so nervous now. I ought to put in extra efforts too so GPA would maintain or get higher which I seriously hope for it to be true so yeah.
So sad that MAMA2011 is over,can't catch my Kin Hyun Joong live and pushing his world tour till the following year.Was so looking forward to that:( Anyway hope the drama his is in will be completed soon so I could see him again.Hahas, I sound so stalkerish...
Shall be off to do my assignments and project stuffs now!Time to mug again~
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