So this week had been really busy, everything just clash together. But it had been manageable,heh. Went to catch Breaking Dawn Part 1 with YX, movie is really great!Especially the wedding scene,everything looked so perfect and beautiful:')
Why oh why can't they put part 2 together?So anxious to see the finale though already know the ending from the book but isn't the same as visually seeing all the things happening.Sigh,another long wait for part 2.
Wednesday, went to support my good friend YuXiang's concert held in school.The conductor is quite a pleasant sight,hehes. The chorale sung really well and they dance tango too!Impressive much? Overall was a enjoyable night with the good music and friends(:
So happy when my orders arrived!Can't wait to wear the clothes out,hehes!(:
Exactly 1 more week till Mid-Semester Test, seems like everyone is working doubly hard, makes me so nervous now. I ought to put in extra efforts too so GPA would maintain or get higher which I seriously hope for it to be true so yeah.
So sad that MAMA2011 is over,can't catch my Kin Hyun Joong live and pushing his world tour till the following year.Was so looking forward to that:( Anyway hope the drama his is in will be completed soon so I could see him again.Hahas, I sound so stalkerish...
Shall be off to do my assignments and project stuffs now!Time to mug again~
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