Busy busy week!Monday,went out to collect some stuffs,watched The Sanctum,finally the first NC16 show watched after 1yr+ of lag time.Lol.Lots of gory scenes,really do not like to see dead people floating on/in the water with their eyes wide open.Even writing this i'm getting flashabacks of those images,shivers.Anyway,Thanks many YX!(:
Oh ya,Justin Bieber movie coming soon!Disappointed didn't win the preview tickets:'( He,personally also coming soon to SG!Sadly no tickets to see him too,ugh.Hope could still see his arrival here through photos and videos.Sigh.
Wed,had lunch at Empire State,really good food and service.
Off to Iluma K Suite,cos wanna try smth new.Room was really cosy and small,even provide blankets and a computer to access internet.Really good service too.However,all came with a price.Really expensive,and minimum each of us had to order at least something.Like seriously,what kind of policy is that?Everyone was so upset by this,the whole mood was spoiled.Can you beileve it,mineral water cost $10,fries/enoki cos $9???
Gosh,once is enough,unless my money is like unlimited,i would go again.Apologies to all the girls:/ Took neoprints and back home we went.
Sat,went to borrow books and bought some DIY stuffs for my photo ablum,hehes.Can't wait to get started for that:>
Today,went temple awhile and to my niece's(i think) birthday party.Nothing much to do but had a bit of laugh over some stuffs.Heh.
Gonna go for TP's orientation for the next 3 days,hope it will be fun.Just hope there won't be any heights or water activities,but kinda inevitable?Almost all camps also have-.-
That's all!^^
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