Anyway on Monday went to YX house for some cookies baking and horror movie fun. Spent quite a long time to bake chocolate chips cookies and gingerbread cookies. Rent 'Dream House' to watched together, not really scary but quite touching(:

Preferred chocochips to gingerbread,hees,tastes so much better(:
Went to visit dentist to clean my teeth, gotten inflammation on gum the next day. Definitely not a good feeling cos blood just keep dripping out.Thanks to the meds feeling much better.Although I had a hard time chewing food and breaking them into small pieces.Lol.
Out with JX for Fish Market lunch at Iluma and promptly caught The Hunger Games after that, kinda rush but managed to get good seats.Hahas. Feel like reading the books after watching but overall movie is superb, rating it 4/5 stars!^^
There's this scene though that made me jumped becos didn't expected it, heh.
Ended our day with laughter's.Enjoyed JX's company(: Thank you for the wonderful day!

Next week should have quite a bit of excitement with the girls again!Whee~Can't wait!(:
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