Anyway Domino's pizzas for lunch! Pizzas were amazingggggg, by choosing our own crust, which was really thin, toppings were delicious too~
Not forgetting the garlic bread with a hint of curry scent and taste, dipped with BBQ sauce, heavenly!Lol.

Friday went out with Mum to Gardens by the Bay, visited 2 conservatories, took tons of pretty pictures. Mostly of flowers cos they were just so pretty and colourful!Can't resist,hehes!
At the front of the Gardens!
Tickets to both conservatories~
First place visited was Flower Dome, breathtaking view seriously, super fresh air and a lot of flowers!
Love love daisies!^^
There will be some statues at some parts of the plants, heh. Here's one of them.
My adorable mum,hahahas!
I believe they were real pumpkins.
Different Catus from large to small, some looked like they survived in deserts and brought to here. heh.
Finally, my fave place of the whole attraction, Cloud Forest with the magnificent artificial/man-made waterfall, around 7-storey high! Mind blown and love how the sprinkles of water blew my way, just something really serene standing beside it!Love it! I think I can stand there for hours looking at it. :D
However, not much of flowers there, mostly other types of leafy plants, getting to know more about Earth vegetation, water areas etc.

Went behind the waterfall, was afraid I would fall when taking this.

Crystals exhibition at another level.

Went with mum to walk this Skywalk i think that's what it was called, around 6-7 storey high, with drain holes on the path, was a nice experience, looking down from there, though mum was a tad afraid. But we managed to walk the whole thing so yay!^^ It was fun!
Oh and those smokes are actually sprinklers to water the unreachable plants,hehes.

Crystals too!

Another mini fall.

Do go if you have not done so!Definitely won't regrets!
Thankful for this trip with darest mummy!Wished daddy could joined:(
That's probably one sad thing oh and it drizzle for awhile so could not finish exploring the outdoor gardens.
Hopefully there will be another chance to go there again with whole family!(:
Hey best!
Its me again^^ wow, the GBTB looks nice! although im not a flower person, im sure i will enjoy the fresh air! hehes, love the waterfall though and the skywalk. Even though i didnt been there but it looks pretty!! hehees! See you soon best! love love<3
Hehes, yup the air is really clean and fresh!^^
I love them too, best places of all,hahas and all the pretty flowers and gardens!
Hees, see you later<3
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