Last day of 2009.Time really files!think i said it a lot of times in blog.heh.
ytd went window shopping with mommy,313 & Orchard Central again.saw one guy...
Counting down to 2010 at home.Tho not really looking forward to th new year but its inevitable.So why not make th best of it?Hope its gonna be a better yr.
2009 had been a good year i guess,new class,new subs,new chers,new friends.Think i didn't changed much,but still kinda like a pain-in-th-ass person.oh well.Struggling hard for studies and cca,problems,troubles.gahs,all is over for this yr.
Hoping next yr would get better,complain less,word harder more.Last lap before another new track of life start again.hope to make th best out of everything.okay,kinda impossible but try uh.
ending here!